Sustainability- In the workplace

Sustainability is the current buzzword in the industry today with more companies being mindful of their sustainability goals. However, not many businesses know that there are five domains of Sustainability.

Did you know that there are Five Domains of Sustainability, which include Environment, Social/Culture, Technology, Economics, and Public Policy. Further, these domains should be the organizing principles for urban administration, urban design and planning, urban growth management, and regional and urban sustainable development. The desired balance can only come from a system of values that seeks to balance and represent each of the five domains in all endeavors.

Businesses are focusing on their environmental impact however, some avenues are not as sustainable as others hence it is doing more research into products and being aware that sustainability is more than how to recycle.

People are one of the areas that are not essentially taken as to be a sustainable resource within a business. Even though each individual plays a key role, people are seen as more replaceable than sustainable. It is important to look after employees or contractors as they are essential to the efficiency of any business.

Another area that is not considered is the heating and cooling within an office space. The majority of businesses focus on power saving with lights and installing artificial intelligence to understand which areas are stating time periods where power is run the most, however, not essentially solving the problem.

For heating and cooling Cryogen, X4 and Skycool can assist a business to reduce energy costs create a more pleasant working environment, and reduce maintenance expenses. They are even eco-friendly!

Check out these two sustainable products to assist your business journey with being more sustainable


SKYCOOL - Explained “The coolest roof coating for your business”


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