Sustainability Goals For Your Business


 Sustainability Goals for your Business

Environmentally sustainable businesses are often more efficient and have lower operational costs than those that aren’t. They also tend to achieve a better bottom line, all while protecting New Zealand’s natural environment for future generations.
There are multiple ways to make a change for your business and the environment. 

Reduce your printing and ink costs by using paperless methods and double siding on documents when printing. Try to use black and white where possible instead of colour. Be wary of what you laminate remembering it is hard to break down in a landfill. 

Move away from plastic cutlery, cups, and plates and reuse kitchen items. Apply the same concept to bathrooms with reusing soap dispensers and drying methods. for example hand towels and air dryers to save on costs and the planet. 

-Where possible recycle cardboard and other materials correctly as this can have a significant impact on landfills where items that are thrown take longer to break down.
-Think outside the box for Transport and Travel
-Try to carpool with a staff member where possible
-Utilise public transport or use a bike
-Video conference for meetings

Water waste:
Check your office toilets and taps to ensure there is no leakage. Leaks are among the biggest water wasters. If your premises have a water meter, check all taps are off overnight and no machines are using water. If the meter reading changes overnight, there could be a leak. If you can’t access your water meter, ask your landlord.

Energy use and Power:

Most New Zealand businesses can save 20% on their energy bills with a few simple changes. Cutting down energy use also reduces pollution.

Here are some simple steps to reduce your energy use:
• Check your building is properly sealed and insulated.
• Ensure all heating and air conditioning are properly tuned.
• Choose the highest efficiency light bulbs, appliances, and equipment.
• Turn all appliances off when they’re not in use.
• Minimise the use of hot water where you can.

You can also implement our product Cryogen X4 and save up to 30% of your running costs for your energy use. Cryogen X4 is injected into HVAC-R equipment where it prolongs the lifespan of the system and improves lubrication of all internal metallic surfaces. Cryogen X4 creates greater refrigerant flow and increases system efficiency. The increase in unit performance and efficiency leads to a reduction in carbon footprint because fewer heat pumps or refrigeration units are sent to landfill. By using Cryogen X4 to efficiently heat and cool your business, you will save on your overhead costs and look after the environment.

Another option is SKYCOOL an innovative membrane coating that is non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and can save you up to 50% on your energy costs. SKYCOOL can increase the lifespan of your roof by up to 20 years also saving you in maintenance costs. This solution does not disrupt business, treats and protects against corrosion, UV resistant, repels dirt and salt and it will assist in thermal comfort for your business.

Sustainable Suppliers:
Choose products and services for your business that show a commitment to sustainability whenever you can. Certification schemes are a good way to do this where they have high standards that are independently verified. An example is choosing Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified paper and cardboard helps support better forest management. Choosing Fairtrade products helps support workers’ rights and small producers in local communities.

Check out our sustainable solutions pages to find out more information.


SkyCool -Melbourne Airport


Wasted Energy